Mayonnaise Walnut Shrimp
1 lb of large or medium shrimp, and peeled
1/2 cup walnuts
5 cups water
1 cup sugar
2 cups oil
1/2 cup cornstarch
1/2 cup egg whites
2 tbs honey
3 tbs mayonnaise
1 tbs fresh lemon juice
1/2 tbs condensed milk
1/2 cup oil
Clean walnuts, then boil in 5 cups of waterboil with sugar till dissolved. Heat 2 cups oil until almost boil then deep fry walnuts until brown, no longer golden. Put walnuts to cookie sheet, let cool.
Mix cornstarch and egg whites together to form a thick, sticky feel and mix well with Shrimp. Set aside. Mix honey, mayonnaise, lemon juice, and condensed milk in a bowl until smooth.
Heat oil until boiling, then deep fry the Shrimp until golden brown. Drain, then put in the honey mayonnaise mixture. Mix it all together, sprinkle with walnuts, and arrange on platter.
Hi, I love your blog. I wonder about this recipe, Mayonnaise walnut shrimp and the other recipe on your site, Honey Walnut Shrimp. They are slightly different but pretty close.
We had a walnut shrimp dish in San Francisco at Firecracker and my husband is still talking about it. I'm making the honey walnut shrimp for him for his birthday dinner tonight because the picture closest resembles what we ate there.
Which do you prefer? Thanks!
Michele Yamazaki, at 6:44 PM
Personnaly I prefer mayonnaise version. Hope your husband liked his b-day dinner :}
I had terrible dalay with comments moderation (sorry for that) - very late Happy B-day to both of you (with this delay it must be close to someone's b-day, isn't it? ^_-
Voidan, at 12:24 AM
I just made this recipe. It is AMAZING. Really, really amazing. I made it for friends and they raved that it was the best food they've had in nyc!
I had this dish growing up, but didn't know the name of it and my Chinese father has since passed, so I can't ask: do you happen to know the Chinese name for this dish or what region it's from?
Really great recipe- thanks!!
Susan, at 6:22 AM
PLEASE do not try and heat oil to boiling state. You are asking for trouble. Please revise the recipe.
Shenandoah Valley Property Inspections, at 8:43 PM
We call the dish "Hop Toe Ha".... or at least that is what it sounds like...
Anonymous, at 12:34 AM
I like your blog a lot! Just started following and I really admire the effort and respect you give for Chinese food. This recipe is dead on btw..keep it up!
Henry, at 9:22 AM
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